
Welcome to the G7UAY Radio and Electronics Blog and Website. I will be linking articles on here from my ElecTech YouTube channel and delving into more detail of projects and ideas. I will share technical hints and tips, stories and other hobbies of mine which range from Ham Radio to SWL to Electronics, to Electrical, I.T. basically anything. I’ll be posting and embedding links and videos of informative articles that I find in other sources plus I’ll try and maintain a library and archive of some interesting snippets. So enjoy and call back regularly as I am to upload new information regularly.

I’ll try and update regularly but at the moment I have a day job which I travel intensively all over the world. There’s a few more years before I can retire so for now, my YouTube channel and this Blog is part of my plan to keep busy and active for many years.

I a time-served electronics engineer, initially I wanted to just concentrate on the niche of radio frequency related technology. During the 70’s and onwards, computing as it was known, increased exponentially and is a part of everyday life. I adapted and combined all technologies into my career. Wat followed was professional training and qualifications which at the time I thought was my employer’s way of moulding me into a IT specialist. So with a varied career, I want to give back and share the knowledge which I hope will give to many, ambitions to also enter into Radio, Electronics and IT starting as a hobby and with interest, prersue a career.

I have been writing simple websites for a few years and shared basic skills with interested friends who have now produced their own great sites. This website is hosted by Hostinger whom I have used for the last 12 years and have been very happy with their excellent service. If you haven’t got a website already or do have but are not happy with the host service, I recommend trying them out. This website uses WordPress CMS which is really simple to get going and there are many YouTube videos that will help you along.