
I have an unbelievable wide range of hobbies and have been asked many times especially in job interviews how I find the time. The answer is, I don’t. You could say they are interests really however, when I do get the time I plan and make sure I finish what task I was doing.

I like listening to radio, after 42 years as a professional electronics, IT and Radio Communications engineer, radio still amazes me. I have been lecturing the subject for many years and I always tell my students how it still mystifies me even though I know how it works.

With the availability of Software Defined Radios at really low prices even available next day on Amazon Prime I am in my element. With SDR I can combine electronics, IT and Radio all into one and get satisfying results.

The “shack” before my new job.
Recent Shack photo

I used to take this XHDATA D-808 around the world when I travel, then I upgraded to an ATS-25 but airlines and airports are getting twitchy when you take electronics with me.

Listening to 127.500Mhz Air Traffic Control for Dhaka
Not bad coverage for a cheap radio

Here’s the D-808 receiving amateur radio on 40m band with a 2.5m wire aerial strung horizontally along the top of the fence that the radio was attached to.

ATS-25 trying to receive number stations

DJ Dave

I did a couple of gigs back in the 1980’s at someone’s 21st Birthday party at a Bowling Club somewhere in Blackburn, Lancashire. It actually cost me more to buy all the latest records than what I got paid. This was a last minute gig as their booked DJ couldn’t attend. I’d always had the aspirings of a DJ or presenter when I built a VHF FM 1 watt transmitter and played records and tapes over the air to friends around the area. With my best friend Graeme, we would make “Mix-Tapes” which were popular at the time and with Graeme’s help we delved into mixing tracks taking into account the beat and genre to produce continuous no-gap music.

Fast-forward many years and I was living in Baghdad, Iraq from 2008 inside the British Embassy, where I was on the welfare committee and found myself DJing to entertain the residents. Then I became slightly serious and changed the computer, amplifier, mixer, speakers, lights, you name it. It got a bit much as I was at one point DJing 4 nights a week as well as my job which required 24/7 duty.

That was a long time ago and I have moved missions and employers and countries but still keep collecting music and always ready to have a go.

I was actually streaming this over the internet this afternoon as my online radio station.


Bitten by the Linux bug since I struggled with one of those free CDs given away on one of the computer magazine back in the 90s, Linux operating systems have really come on a long way since then. When I have the time, I try out new distributions just to see how easy they are for a complete novice to install and run even if they have no real IT skills at all. What do I use? Ubuntu server with no desktop, CentOS7 with no desktop and Raspberry Pi OS no desktop. I prefer command line directly or by SSH rather than some of the quirky desktops. If I need a GUI, I use a web server and view remotely.

Built an old HP Laptop with a Radio Amateur specific image.


I love constructing my own equipment. Whether its Radio Amateur related, electronic or IT. When I spend many months away from home, I think of projects to build and scribble down notes ready for when I get the chance when I’m back in the UK. I’ll also pre-order components and hardware in advance so they are their ready. That does mean I’m in the bad books sometimes with the family with the amount of parcels and packets that arrive. Usually with the, “Oh no, I hope it’s not another radio” comment.

I was asked what I wanted for Christmas since I had the chance to visit home for a week a while ago. “An Icom 7610” I replied. I got some socks and underpants instead. So I made my own HF 25 watt all mode transceiver with DSP filtering, dual touch screen and in built tuner. I’ll make a blog post of the constructional details and what I used.
Another couple of crazy projects. The top one is a multi-hotspot all modes in one box. The touchscreen will display which hotspot has activity. There are 3x UHF and 1x VHF MMDVMs in there that can all operate independently at the same time. The lower project is my version of a Radio-less AllStar node. It has inbuilt speaker so just operates as a desktop radio. The touchscreen is actually a modified mobile phone but I can control it all with an app on my phone as well. I have made a YouTube video about how I made it and I’ll post a blog about it too.
My 1st attempt at 3D printing a case for my TARPN TNC kit.

Before and after. Replacing the creaky, rotten walkway at the side of the conservatory. Yes, each piece of the replacement wood was dip treated in preservative and left to soak for hours before assembling. Then given another protective coat before fitting. With only 1 week visit at home to do all this, I pre-ordered everything for my arrival. Prior planning helps!